Download the United Utilities Integrated Annual Report 2024

What matters most to our stakeholders

We continuously challenge ourselves to make sure we understand what matters most regarding our role in society, the impact that we have and the value we create.

2023/24 assessment of material themes

In order to ensure we are disclosing relevant information across our integrated annual report, as well as our corporate website and other communications, we have conducted a materiality assessment that considers material themes and their potential impact on both our ability to create value as a company and the value we create for our many stakeholders.

Our materiality
assessment process

Materiality matrix

Themes are plotted on the matrix from higher (top right) to lower (bottom left) in terms of their potential to impact company value (horizontal axis) and their potential impact on the value we create for stakeholders, and have been colour-coded according to the key elements of our purpose.

Potential impact on value created for stakeholders

Based on a balance of views from those who influence what we do and/or benefit from the value we create.

Potential to impact company value

Based on the potential effect on our ability to create financial and non-financial value over the short, medium and long term.


Material theme

An infographic displaying a list of 28 key sustainability topics.

Engaging with our stakeholders

We actively engage with stakeholders to build and maintain trust and ensure we create long-term value for all. Strong, constructive relationships help us understand what matters most to them.

Download our Integrated Annual Report 2024

Download our Integrated Annual Report 2024

Download our Strategic Report

Download our Strategic Report

Download our TCFD TNFD Report

Download our TCFD TNFD Report

Download our Governance Report

Download our Governance Report

Download our Financial Statements

Download our Financial Statements