Committed to delivering our purpose – now and for the long term
great water…
Why we are here
Our purpose is to provide great water for a stronger, greener and healthier North West and highlights how environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations are integral to everything we do.
Delivering for customers now, and building our plan for a stronger, greener and healthier North West
It has been an extremely busy year, in which we have submitted a high-quality and ambitious business plan for the 2025–30 period (AMP8) while continuing to deliver for customers and the environment in the face of challenging weather conditions.
* Since our integrated annual report was signed off, the date of the draft determination from Ofwat has been changed as a result of the general election being called, and it is now expected on 11 July.
For a
Our strategic priorities
We deliver an essential service, help customers in vulnerable situations, invest in local communities, and support jobs and the economy, giving the North West resilience in a changing world.
Spend customers’ money wisely
Delivery against our capital programme delivery incentive
Delivery against our capital programme delivery incentive
Our metric for measuring the performance of our capital programmes places a strong emphasis on efficiency as well as reducing carbon impact, and we have improved our performance further this year.
Contribute to our communities
Investment made this year in North West communities
Investment made this year in North West communities
We have increased our investment this year, and are on track to deliver direct community investment across AMP7 that is 10% higher than the average between 2010 and 2020.
Our strategic priorities
We protect and enhance urban and rural environments, and adapt to the challenges of climate change, allowing people, wildlife and nature to thrive, making the North West a better place to live now and for the future.
Improve our rivers
Delivery of this year’s Better Rivers commitments
Delivery of this year’s Better Rivers commitments
All of this year’s programme milestones have been delivered, including ensuring 100 per cent of our storm overflows are monitored, which was completed by December 2023.
Create a greener future
3* or 4*
Consistently in the Environment Agency’s environmental performance assessment
3* or 4*
Consistently in the Environment Agency’s environmental performance assessment
We have been rated either 3* ‘good’ or 4* ‘industry leading’ in every year since records began, and are on track for the maximum 4* rating for 2023, which will be published in July 2024.
Our strategic priorities
We provide great quality drinking water and safely remove and recycle used water for more than seven million customers, while taking care of the beautiful landscapes in the North West every day.
Provide a safe and great place to work
Colleague engagement, in line with the UK high performance norm
Colleague engagement, in line with the UK High Performance Norm
We achieved another strong result in our annual colleague survey this year, and our two highest scoring areas were wellbeing and safety.
Deliver great service for all our customers
Listed company on Ofwat’s customer measure of experience (C-MeX)
Listed company on Ofwat’s customer measure of experience (C-MeX)
We are consistently strong performers for customer satisfaction, ranked fourth out of the water and sewerage companies this year, and sixth out of all 17 including water-only companies.
North West…
Five counties
Each of the five diverse counties across the North West is unique. In order to help shape and adapt our AMP8 business plan, we’ve been working with stakeholders and customers to better understand the needs, challenges and opportunities of each county.