Download the United Utilities Integrated Annual Report 2024

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

Our integrated report, supported by further content on our website, contains all the climate-related disclosures required to be consistent with the all sector guidance on recommendations of TCFD.

Our disclosures include how climate-related risks are influencing our strategy, our net zero transition plan incorporating our verified science-based targets (SBTs) and our energy and carbon report.

Download our TCFD and TNFD disclosures including our net zero transition plan.

Progress against our carbon pledges

Pledge 1

42 per cent reduction of scope 1 and 2 emissions from our 2020 baseline by 2030

Our progress:


Some work to do

It continues to be challenging for us to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions whilst serving an increasing North West population. 60 per cent of scope 1 and 2 emissions are from the release of methane which has a higher global warming potential in AR5. This change, from AR4, was the primary driver for the small increase in emissions in 2023/24.

2019/20: 138,961 tCO₂e baseline

2023/24: 134,239 tCO₂e 3.4% reduction

Pledge 3

100 per cent green fleet by 2028

Our progress:

91 vehicles

Confident of meeting pledge

Having assessed our travel patterns with advanced telemetrics we are now using this insight to develop the infrastructure a green fleet needs. We are installing home chargers for fleet drivers, have begun to install fast and rapid chargers across our operational sites and forecast to have 200 all-electric vehicles (EVs) by the end of 2025. We also encourage personal green travel through salary sacrifice schemes for bikes and EVs and discounted travel on Warrington buses.

Pledge 5

Plant one million trees to create 550 hectares of woodland by 2030

Our progress:


Confident of meeting pledge

Woodland creation requires substantial preparatory work including identifying suitable sites, considering the appropriate species mix and planting density, securing funding and producing a long-term management plan. We are making great progress and our current schedule will create around 500 hectares of new woodland over the next three planting seasons.

Pledge 2

100 per cent renewable electricity by 2021

Our progress:


Pledge met

Since October 2021 all electricity we use is renewable. Around 25 per cent of our needs are renewably generated directly by us or with partners and the remainder is purchased on a renewable tariff backed with REGO certificates. We are working on plans to increase the energy we can self-supply through new investment in renewable capacity and storage.

Pledge 4

1,000 hectares of peatland restoration by 2030

Our progress:


Pledge met

We have carried out peatland restoration activities across the North West building on the 2,000 hectares improved through our 2005–15 SCaMP projects. We already have 1,211 hectares under restoration towards meeting this pledge and the LTP. We have also identified a potential further 2,800 hectares that may be improved or protected, subject to detailed suitability assessments.

Pledge 6

Set scope 3 science- based target by 2021

Our progress:

SBTs verified July 2021

Pledge met

Our two scope 3 science-based targets (SBT3 and SBT4 above) cover all our relevant scope 3 emissions. Our total scope 3 emissions in 2023/24 are now 2 per cent lower than our 2019/20 baseline. 18 per cent of our scope 3 emissions are from our construction services partners. We work with our construction partners to reduce emissions from their infrastructure projects and encourage them to set their own targets verified by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Of our construction suppliers, 23 per cent (by 2023/24 emissions) have already set SBTi verified science-based targets for their organisation. In total, 94 per cent have either already set targets or have an active commitment to set targets as can be seen on the SBTi Target dashboard.

Download our Integrated Annual Report 2024

Download our Integrated Annual Report 2024

Download our Strategic Report

Download our Strategic Report

Download our TCFD TNFD Report

Download our TCFD TNFD Report

Download our Governance Report

Download our Governance Report

Download our Financial Statements

Download our Financial Statements